
I’m a podcaster! Tune into The Cozy Corner with Alexia Gordon every other Wednesday and hear me chat with authors who write along the crime fiction spectrum from traditional to cozy to the edge of cozy. It’s mystery without explicit violence, sex, or gore. Mystery full of intricate plots, engaging characters, and brilliant writing.

Part of the Authors on the Air Global Radio Network, The Cozy Corner with Alexia Gordon is available on several podcast-listening platforms, including SoundCloud, AnchorFM, Apple, Google, Spotify, and Stitcher. Find the links here, here, or listen below.

Check out the podcast webpage: https://thecozycornerwithalexiagordon.com/

And don’t miss my guest appearances on these other fine podcasts:

Destination Mystery:

 DIY MFA, ThrillerFest 2017 Debut Author Episode: DIYMFA.com/157

A review of Murder in G Major with food and wine pairings
Game of Books: Corks and Conversation, Thrillerfest 2019, part 2
Authors on the Air, In Conversation with Catriona McPherson 
Crime Writers of Color:
It’s A Mystery:

Sisters in Crime (video): https://youtu.be/VhQyGlNebX8

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